Rosemary Herb– an evergreen aromatic scrub. Great in soups and salads. Seasoning for pork and lamb

Dill – a unique taste. Added to salads and fish enhances to flavour delightfully

Marjoram – Fresh leaves can flavour fish  meats or pasta.  Equally effective when dried.

Basil – use fresh green leaves or dried. Useful with fish, meats vegetables or salads

Cilantro – unique aroma. Excellent in salsa and salads. Leaves can also be used in curry dishes.


Storage for your Herbs

One of the major challenges with packaging herbs in plastic is the reduced shelf life. Because of its convenience plastic tends to be the preferred material for packaging. So here are some tips to help extend the freshness of your herbs at home:

  • Remove herbs form the plastic package as soon as you can.
    For the chives, thyme and hot peppers: store in a damp paper towel and place in a sealed bags in the fridge.
  • For parsley, nip the end off and place in a glass container with water. Cover with a bag if necessary.
  • Similarly for Cilantro the above applies.
  • For Basil, avoid getting this herb wet before use. You can nip the stem and place in water if you will use in a few days and store at room temperature or wrap in a dry paper towel and store in the fridge.
  • Sage and Rosemary can be wrapped in a damp paper towel and stored in the fridge also.